Learn Objects for Visualizing Signal Data in RNBO

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Objects for Visualizing Signal Data in RNBO

Several objects in RNBO allow visualization of signals within RNBO patches.


The scope~ object in RNBO operates similar to the scope~ object in Max. This object is an interface that allows for visualization of audio signals using an oscilliscopic.


Taking an object's signal output and connecting it to the scope~'s left input, a signal will appear as a waveform. This waveform represents signal values within scope~'s range (default -1.0 - 1.0).

A number of parameters for scope~ can be set in the Object Inspector. These include the signal buffer and number of samples represented by each pixel (which will determine the amount and precision of the displayed data), as well as the vertical range of the display.


The number~ object displays the current signal as a numeric value.


Patching an object's signal output into the left input of number~ will display a numeric value of the object's input at signal-rate.

The @interval - the amount of time between display updates - can be set in the Object Inspector.


Use the meter~ object to monitor any signal in the range of -1.0 - 1.0 when sending signal to the top inlet.


The @interval - the amount of time between display updates - can be set in the Object Inspector.