RNBO Objects & Operators bendout
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Generate MIDI pitch bend events


Send MIDI pitch bend messages out of the RNBO device. Bendmode allows using standard (0-127), normalized (-1. to 1.) and 14-bit (-8192 to 8191) values.


value [number]

Interprets input value based on bendmode.

channel [number]

Set channel number for MIDI output.

port [number]

Select the MIDI port the events will be sent to using the port index number.


midiout [number]

Outputs properly formatted MIDI pitch bend event messages. Connect to a midiout object to pass these messages to the MIDI outport.

Fixed Attributes

These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.

bendmode [enum] (default: float)

0 for Pitch Bend (0-127), 1 for Pitch Bend (-1. to 1.), 2 for Pitch Bend (-8192 to 8191) Possible values:

0 = 'lores'
1 = 'float'
2 = 'hires'

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

channel [number]

Set channel number for MIDI output.

port [number]

Select the MIDI port the events will be sent to using the port index number.

value [number]

Interprets input value based on bendmode.

See Also

Name Description
bendin Receive MIDI pitch bend events
ctlout Transmit MIDI controller messages
midiout MIDI output stream
bendout Generate MIDI pitch bend events