Switch-and-ramp click compensation
Performs click compensation using Miller Puckette's switch-and-ramp technique. When the right inlet receives a positive value, swanramp~ triggers a ramp that starts from the value of the last sample in the left inlet and goes down to zero over the number of samples specified. This ramp is mixed with the input signal to prevent clicks.
trigger [auto]
A positive value in the left inlet will trigger the de-click ramp. A new ramp can be triggered even if a ramp is already in progress.
signal [auto]
The input signal that any de-click ramps will be mixed with.
trigger [auto]
A positive value in the left inlet will trigger the de-click ramp. A new ramp can be triggered even if a ramp is already in progress.
out1 [signal]
Outputs the incoming signal mixed with the de-click ramp.
Fixed Attributes
These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.
ramp [number] (default: 100)
Sets the duration of the down ramp in samples.
Dynamic Attributes
These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object
reset [bang] (default: 0)
Banging this attribute will reset the object to its default state.
signal [auto]
The input signal that any de-click ramps will be mixed with.
trigger [auto]
A positive value in the left inlet will trigger the de-click ramp. A new ramp can be triggered even if a ramp is already in progress.
See Also
Name | Description |
filtercoeff~ | Signal-rate filter coefficient generator |
allpass~ | Apply an allpass filter effect |
comb~ | Apply a comb filter effect |
cross~ | Third-order crossover filter |
lores~ | Resonant lowpass filter |
reson~ | Resonant bandpass filter |
svf~ | State-variable filter with simultaneous outputs |
onepole~ | Single-pole lowpass filter |