RNBO Objects & Operators touchout
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Generate MIDI aftertouch messages


Generate MIDI Aftertouch event messages.


value [number]

The number is transmitted as an aftertouch value on the specified channel and port. Numbers are limited between 0 and 127.

channel [number]

The MIDI channel (within the range 1 - 16) to set for the accompanying MIDI aftertouch message.

port [number]

select port


midiout [number]

MIDI messages are sent out as individual bytes, for transmission by the midiout object. For more information see: RNBO Communications - MIDI .

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

channel [number]

The MIDI channel (within the range 1 - 16) to set for the accompanying MIDI aftertouch message.

port [number]

select port

value [number]

The number is transmitted as an aftertouch value on the specified channel and port. Numbers are limited between 0 and 127.

See Also

Name Description
pgmin MIDI program change input
ctlout Transmit MIDI controller messages
midiout MIDI output stream
touchin MIDI channel pressure input