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The translate object converts between different units of time. Supported time values are beats (quarter note), frequency in Hz (hertz), milliseconds, ticks and samples. All time values are tempo and sample rate sensitive.


inunit [symbol]


Input unit. (ticks, ms, samples, hz, beats)

outunit [symbol]


Output unit. (ticks, ms, samples, hz, beats)


value [number]

Value to convert.


out [number]


Fixed Attributes

These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.

inunit [symbol] (default: beats)

Input unit. (ticks, ms, samples, hz, beats)

outunit [symbol] (default: ticks)

Output unit. (ticks, ms, samples, hz, beats)

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

value [number]

Value to convert.

See Also

Name Description
beatstohz convert beat time (quarter notes) to frequency (Hz)
beatstohz~ convert beat time (quarter notes) to frequency (Hz)
beatstoms Convert beat time (quarter notes) to milliseconds.
beatstoms~ Convert beat time (quarter notes) to milliseconds.
beatstosamps Convert beat time (quarter notes) to samples.
beatstosamps~ Convert beat time (quarter notes) to samples.
beatstoticks Convert beat time (quarter notes) to ticks.
beatstoticks~ Convert beat time (quarter notes) to ticks.
beattime report current beattime
hztobeats Convert frequency (Hz) to beats.
hztobeats~ Convert frequency (Hz) to beats.
hztoms Convert frequency (Hz) to ms.
hztoms~ Convert frequency (Hz) to ms.
hztosamps Convert frequency (Hz) to samples.
hztosamps~ Convert frequency (Hz) to samples.
hztoticks Convert frequency (Hz) to ticks.
hztoticks~ Convert frequency (Hz) to ticks.
mstobeats Convert ms to beats.
mstobeats~ Convert ms to beats.
mstohz Convert ms to frequency (Hz).
mstohz~ Convert ms to frequency (Hz).
mstosamps convert milliseconds to samples
mstosamps~ convert milliseconds to samples
mstoticks Convert ms to ticks.
mstoticks~ Convert ms to ticks.
sampstobeats Convert samples to beat time (quarter notes).
sampstobeats~ Convert samples to beat time (quarter notes).
sampstohz Convert samples to frequency (Hz)
sampstohz~ Convert samples to frequency (Hz)
sampstoms Convert samples to milliseconds.
sampstoms~ Convert samples to milliseconds.
sampstoticks Convert samples to ticks.
sampstoticks~ Convert samples to ticks.
tickstobeats Convert ticks to beat time (quarter notes).
tickstobeats~ Convert ticks to beat time (quarter notes).
tickstohz Convert ticks to frequency (Hz).
tickstohz~ Convert ticks to frequency (Hz).
tickstoms Convert ticks to milliseconds.
tickstoms~ Convert ticks to milliseconds.
tickstosamps Convert ticks to samples.
tickstosamps~ Convert ticks to samples.
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