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A buffer granulator


Granular sample playback for buffer~ objects.


buffername [symbol]

The first argument is a name of a buffer~ object for granulator to reference for playback.

start [auto]


The second argument determines the starting point in samples for playback for the referenced buffer~ .

length [auto]


The third argument determines the speed of playback in samples from the user-specified starting point of granulators' playback.

rate [auto]


The fourth argument determines the rate of playback for the user-specified length of granulators playback.

A signal increment of 0 stops playback. A signal increment of 1 plays the sample at normal speed. A sample increment of -1 plays the sample backwards at normal speed. A sample increment of 2 plays the sample at twice the normal speed.

bchan [auto]


The fifth argument determines which channel of the referenced buffer~ to playback. The base value and default value is 0.


trigger [signal]

The left inlet receives a signal input that goes between 0. and 1.0 (for example, using a phasor~ ) to trigger playback from a defined position from the named buffer~ .

start [auto]

The second argument determines the starting point in samples for playback for the referenced buffer~ .

length [auto]

The third argument determines the speed of playback in samples from the user-specified starting point of granulators' playback.

rate [auto]

The fourth argument determines the rate of playback for the user-specified length of granulators playback.

A signal increment of 0 stops playback. A signal increment of 1 plays the sample at normal speed. A sample increment of -1 plays the sample backwards at normal speed. A sample increment of 2 plays the sample at twice the normal speed.

bchan [auto]

The fifth argument determines which channel of the referenced buffer~ to playback. The base value and default value is 0.

Fixed Attributes

These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.

boundmode [enum] (default: wrap)

The buffer bound mode Possible values:

0 = 'fold'
1 = 'clamp'
2 = 'clip'
3 = 'wrap'
4 = 'mirror'
5 = 'ignore'

buffername [symbol]

The first argument is a name of a buffer~ object for granulator to reference for playback.

channelmode [enum] (default: clamp)

The buffer channel mode Possible values:

0 = 'fold'
1 = 'clamp'
2 = 'clip'
3 = 'wrap'
4 = 'mirror'
5 = 'ignore'

channels [number] (default: 2)

The number of output channels.

interp [enum] (default: linear)

The buffer interpolation mode Possible values:

0 = 'linear'
1 = 'cubic'
2 = 'spline'
3 = 'cosine'
4 = 'step'
5 = 'none'
6 = 'fastcubic'
7 = 'spline6'

lengthmode [enum] (default: samples)

The mode to use to identify the length of the playback window Possible values:

0 = 'phase'
1 = 'samples'
2 = 'seconds'

maxgrains [number] (default: 32)

The maximum number of grains that can be active at once.

panboundmode [enum] (default: wrap)

Panning bound mode determines how values will wrap when outside the panning bounds ( below 0. or above 1.0)

Possible values:

0 = 'wrap'
1 = 'clip'
2 = 'ignore'

panfademode [enum] (default: eqpower)

Panning fade mode.

Possible values:

0 = 'lin'
1 = 'eqpower'
2 = 'cos'

panposmode [enum] (default: phase)

Panning fade mode determines whether panning occurs across user defined numbered channels or by a phase value across all channels (between 0. and 1.)

Possible values:

0 = 'phase'
1 = 'channel'

startmode [enum] (default: samples)

The mode to use to identify the start of the playback window Possible values:

0 = 'phase'
1 = 'samples'
2 = 'seconds'

winfunc [symbol] (default: hann(in1))

The window function to use for grains. The window used for individual grains can be defined using any expr-like expression.

hann(in1) blackman(in1) hamming(in1) boxtotri(in1, in2) triangle(in1) sqrt(triangle(in1)) in1*in2+in3

Within the function, defining a variable as 'in1' will mark is the phase location within the grain, other arguments (f.e. in2, in3) will create addition inlets to the granulator~ object.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

bchan [auto]

The fifth argument determines which channel of the referenced buffer~ to playback. The base value and default value is 0.

buffer [number] (default: 0)

If multiple buffer names are declared to be used, this sets the currently active buffer using an index [0 based].

length [auto]

The third argument determines the speed of playback in samples from the user-specified starting point of granulators' playback.

limit [number] (default: 0)

A dynamic limit on the number of grains that can be active at any time, maximum is set by the maxgrains option.

rate [auto]

The fourth argument determines the rate of playback for the user-specified length of granulators playback.

A signal increment of 0 stops playback. A signal increment of 1 plays the sample at normal speed. A sample increment of -1 plays the sample backwards at normal speed. A sample increment of 2 plays the sample at twice the normal speed.

start [auto]

The second argument determines the starting point in samples for playback for the referenced buffer~ .

trigger [signal]

The left inlet receives a signal input that goes between 0. and 1.0 (for example, using a phasor~ ) to trigger playback from a defined position from the named buffer~ .

See Also

Name Description
buffer~ A data buffer for holding audio (or potentially some other) data.
sig~ Convert numbers into audio signals
wave~ Linear interpolated multi-channel lookup of a buffer.
phasor~ Generate sawtooth signals
expr~ Evaluate an expression using the rnbo expr language.
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