RNBO Objects & Operators pgmout
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generate MIDI program change messages


Generate MIDI Program Change event messages.


value [number]

The program number (within the range 0 - 127) to set for the accompanying MIDI channel.

channel [number]

The MIDI channel (within the range 1 - 16) to set for the accompanying MIDI program change message.

port [number]

select port


midiout [number]

MIDI messages are sent out as individual bytes, for transmission by the midiout object.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

channel [number]

The MIDI channel (within the range 1 - 16) to set for the accompanying MIDI program change message.

port [number]

select port

value [number]

The program number (within the range 0 - 127) to set for the accompanying MIDI channel.

See Also

Name Description
pgmin MIDI program change input
ctlout Transmit MIDI controller messages
midiout MIDI output stream
touchout Generate MIDI aftertouch messages