RNBO Objects & Operators rnbo~
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The rnbo~ object is a Max wrapper for RNBO technology


The rnbo~ object creates a special patcher that allows you to program in the rnbo patching environment, then export your code to a variety of targets.




active [int] (default: 1)

Enable/disable event and signal processing within the rnbo~ object.

annotation_name [symbol] (default: )

The string that is prepended to annotations. This shows up in the Info pane in Live, and the clue window in Max.

autobuild [int] (default: 1)

When Automatic Rebuild is enabled, changes to the rnbo~ patcher will cause the rnbo~ patcher to recompile. Disabling this will disable the auto-compilation feature of the rnbo~ patcher.

autosave [int] (default: 1)

Allows for snapshots of the rnbo~ object to be saved as presets.

exposevoiceparams [int] (default: 0)

Expose parameters for each polyphonic voice. The number of voices will be determined by the polyphony attribute

optimization [symbol]

Set level of compiler optimization. Possible values:

'O0' ( No Optimization )
'O1' ( Normal Optimization (default) )
'O2' ( Fast Optimization )
'O3' ( Fastest Optimization )

parameter_enable [int]

Parameter Mode Enable

parameter_mappable [int] (default: 1)

Visible to Mapping

polyphony [int] (default: 0)

Set the number of polyphonic voices for each parameter when exposevoiceparams is set to 1 .

tabswitchesaudio [int] (default: 0)

When enabled, tabswitchaudio enables audio output from the currently open tab, and simultaneously disables audio output from closed tabs.

title [symbol]

The title sets the name of the rnbo~ object. This name appears as the patcher windows name and the default name for presets.

transport [symbol]

The name of the host platforms transport object to synchronize to. These objects will be metros and phasors in the rnbo~ patcher that are locked to the transport with the lock attribute set to 1 .

Common Box Attributes

Snapshot Attributes

Parameter Attributes



Send a bang from rnbo~'s default inlet. This will be received within the rnbo~ patchers' in objects.



value [int]
Set integer values in RNBO through rnbo~'s default inlet. This will be received within the rnbo~ patchers in objects.



value [float]
Set float value in RNBO through rnbo~'s default inlet. This will be received within the rnbo~ patchers in objects.



value [list]
Set lists in RNBO through rnbo's default inlet. This will be received within the rnbo~ patchers in objects.


Double-click to open the RNBO Patcher


Send the patcher description dictionary out of the dump outlet (the dump outlet must be enabled by setting @dumpoutlet to 1).



Target Class [symbol]
Target ID [symbol]
Send the target configuration dictionary out of the dump outlet (the dump outlet must be enabled by setting @dumpoutlet to 1). With no arguments, this will output the target configuration for the C++ Source Code Export target. To get the target configuration for the other targets, use the target type and id specific to each target. These include C++ Source Code Export (cpp-export cpp-code-export), Web Export (web-export json-web-export), Audio Plugin Export (vst-au-export vst-au-export-ins), and Max External Export (max-export max-external-export).



Export Parameters [symbol]
Trigger a target export. With no arguments, this will export C++ source code, using the current export configuration. Use the first two arguments to export to a particular target, using the target type and id specific to each target. For C++ Source Code Export use (cpp-export cpp-code-export), for Web Export (web-export json-web-export), for Audio Plugin Export (vst-au-export vst-au-export-ins), and for Max External Export (max-export max-external-export). To use a modified export configuration, supply the configuration dictionary name at then end of the list. The message "export cpp-export cpp-code-export my_config" would trigger C++ Source Code Export, using the configuration dictionary named "my_config". Use the dumptargetconfig method to get the current configuration for a given target.

With "@dumpoutlet 1", the dump outlet will output a status update as the export proceeds. The message "exportstatus active" means that the export is still active, while "exportstatus success" means the export has finished successfully, and "exportstatus error" means that an error has occurred. Check the Max Console to see what caused the error.


Send a message to set the value for parameters and inport objects in rnbo~. inport 's' value can be set using the following format : inport-tag {value}
Set param and param~ s' value by using the following format : param-name {value}


Send Midi formatted messages to RNBO via the rnbo~ objects MIDI inlet.


Send Midi messages to RNBO via the rnbo~ objects MIDI inlet.


Open the rnbo~ patcher. If the rnbo~ patcher is already open, the rnbo~ window will appear in front of all windows.


Reset parameters to their initial value. The initial value of parameters is set with the value attribute of param and param~ objects in the rnbo~ patcher.



symbol [list]
Reset a specific param or param~ object's value attribute to its initial value.



name [symbol]
value [float]
Set the normalized value of a param or param~ object. The normalized value (0.0 - 1.0) will be scales to param or param~ s' minimum and maximum attributes.


Close the rnbo~ patcher window.

Snapshot Messages


Default Inlet

The leftmost inlet(s) of the rnbo~ object accept event and signal messages.

Midi Inlet

The MIDI inlet will appear if the rnbo~ subpatcher includes a MIDI input object, like midiin, notein, ctlin, bendin, or sysexin. This inlet accepts MIDI streams, so it's common to connect it to a "midiformat" object in Max.


MIDI Outlet

If the rnbo~ subpatcher contains a MIDI output object (e.g. midiout, noteout, ctlout, bendout, sysexout), then the rnbo~ parent object will have a MIDI outlet as its rightmost outlet. This outlet will output a MIDI stream, so it's common to connect it to a "midiparse" object in Max.

Message Outlets

Message outlets output event data from the rnbo~ object. The message outlets appear to the right of the Port outlets with the creation of out objects in the rnbo~ patcher.

Port Outlet

Output data from outport objects. The rightmost outlet will appear whenever a outport is added to the rnbo~ patcher.

Signal Outlets

Signal outlets output signal from the rnbo~ object. The signal outlets appear to the right of the Port outlets with the creation of rnbo_out~ objects in the rnbo~ patcher.

See Also

Name Description
rnbo.remote Communicate with a remote rnbo device