Learn Signal Probe

Getting Started

Welcome to RNBO


RNBO Basics

Key Differences

Why We Made RNBO

Coding Resources


Audio IO

Messages to rnbo~

Using Parameters


Messages and Ports

Polyphony and Voice Control

Audio Files in RNBO

Using Buffers

Using the FFT

Export Targets

Export Targets Overview

Max External Target
Raspberry Pi Target
The Web Export Target
The C++ Source Code Target

Code Export

Working with JavaScript
Working with C++

Special Topics

Sample Accurate Patching
Scala and Custom Tuning

RNBO and Max for Live

RNBO Raspberry Pi OSCQuery Runner


Export Description

Raspberry Pi GPIO

Updating the RNBO Package

Signal Probe

Just like in Max, RNBO allows you to monitor audio signals using the signal probe.

Viewing a Signal in RNBO

Make sure that audio is on and running in the rnbo~ object's target platform.

Enable Debugging

In the Debug menu, select Enable Debugging and Signal Probing, so that both menu items have a check mark displayed. If these are enabled in Max, they will be enabled in RNBO as well. If these are disabled in Max, they will also be disabled in RNBO.

Probe Signal Patch Cord

Position your cursor over an audio patchcord in the locked or unlocked RNBO patcher window. This will reveal the signal probe display, and will display the current signal value along with a visualization of the data.